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Professori Jerry Coyne (1949) wikimedia |
Jerry Allen Coyne (born December 30, 1949) is an American professor of biology, known for his commentary on the intelligent design debate. A prolific scientist, he has published dozens of papers, elucidating on the theory of evolution. He is currently a professor at the University of Chicago in the Department of Ecology and Evolution. His concentration is speciation and ecological and evolutionary genetics, particularly as they involve the fruit fly, Drosophila. He is the author of the standard text Speciation and the bestselling science popularization Why Evolution Is True and maintains a website by the same name.........................
Coyne is an atheist. He claims that religion and science are incompatible, that only rational evaluation of evidence is capable of reliably discovering the world and the way it works, and that scientists who hold religious views are only reflective of the idea "that people can hold two conflicting notions in their heads at the same time". He suggests that "the incompatibility of science and faith" is demonstrated by the fact that, according to Elaine Howard Ecklund, 64% of American scientists are atheists or agnostics. As well as evolution-related topics, his blog, Why Evolution Is True, discusses atheism, the incompatibility of science and religion, science, and other topics.
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Anonyymi kertoi keskustelussa Jerry Coynen ajatuksista - kopioin ne tähän omaksi tekstiksi
"Tässä on edelleen puurot ja vellit pahasti sekaisin. Sanoa, että "usko Luojaan merkitsee tieteen tulosten hylkäämistä" sotkee ehkä mukaan sivuovesta kreationismin tai etenkin Intelligent Design metodologian."
Näinhän se käytännössä meneekin evoluutiobiologien mukaan. Juuri näin esim. tunnettu evoluutiobiologi Jerry Coyne esittää. Jos ei hyväksy darwinin teoriaa siitä, että ihminen on pelkän sattuman satoa, on useiden evoluutiobiologien käyttämän sanaston mukaan automaattisesti ns. älykkään suunnittelun edustaja. Sinäkin olet.
Hänen mukaansa "teistisen evoluution" ja "älykkään suunnittelun" välillä ei ole laadullista eroa. Kyse on samasta asiasta. Hänelle ainoa syy olla nimittämättä "älykkään suunnittelun" kannattajiksi on se, että kuulijat voisivat mennä sekaisin. Mutta sisällöllisesti hänen mukaansa jokainen, joka uskoo evoluution olleen jotain muuta kuin ohjaamatonta sattumaa, on käytännössä älykkään suunnittelun kannattaja.
"If you think that an intelligent god intervened in the process of evolution, especially to ensure the appearance of human beings made in that god’s image, then you’re advocating intelligent design." -Evoluutiobiologi Jerry Coyne
"I think they shade into each other, depending on how far the theistic evolutionist sees God as having guided evolution. Those views run all the way from the one-time miracle of inserting a soul into the human lineage, to repeated tinkering with DNA that produces new mutations and species. In other words, there’s a continuum between theistic evolution and ID, and no place to clearly draw a line—except at one end where the purely material begins to give way to the supernatural." -Evoluutiobiologi Jerry Coyne
"Well, that may be true of some advocates of ID, but not necessarily all. Take Michael Behe, perhaps the best known of all ID advocates (his egregious Darwin’s Black Box remains a perpetual best seller on Amazon). Behe accepts some evolution and has admitted that creatures have common ancestry. I believe he’d say that some complex structures evolved via garden-variety natural selection, but others (like the flagellum and blood clotting) were engineered by God. Now tell me: does he really differ in kind from Francis Collins, director of the NIH, who accepts evolution except for two structures that were engineered by God: the human sense of morality and the soul? Collins also accepts the fact that a crucified Jesus came back to life. As Larry Moran has noted, that, too, is a form of intelligent design."
-Evoluutiobiologi Jerry Coyne
"t I use the term “TEists” aware of the irony that both men, and others like them, accept a limited form of intelligent design: that God did intervene in the process of evolution to create what He wanted. I deem those views unscientific." -Evoluutiobiologi Jerry Coyne
Ja näin hän siis kritisoi sellaisia henkilöitä, jotka ovat ID:n kriitikkoja, mutta jotka ovat kristittyjä evoluutioon uskovia tiedemiehiä (toinen näistä kritisoiduista jopa evoluutiobiologi) - joiden mukaan tiede ja uskonto ovat aika erillisiä asioita. Mutta sama tulitus tieteen hylkäämisestä tulee heitä kohti tulee evoluutiobiologien taholta kuin muitakin kristittyjä.
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